Stuck in meetings all day.
Ugh: this is one good reason not to grow up and get a proper job!
Meetings all day yesterday (yes, that was a Sunday...) and all day today. My brain will try and rebel I'm sure...
Just stuff I find interesting. Might be IT, might be baseball, might be a chicken, who knows...
There's all sorts of good stuff here, mainly aiming at my Applied A Level classes.
Use tags to help find your way around - it makes life so much easier you know. The tags are down at the bottom right. Unit 1 or Unit 10 are probably the best tags to look for (Unit 1 is ICT and Society so that tag will work for that as well).
> That Blue Square Thing is somewhere you might be looking for.
You're getting paid for being at this meeting aren't you? It's not like you're doing charity work.
I'm here teaching Year 12 sorting out their database coursework - they told me about your blog so I thought I'd have a look.
Ahh Year 12, they're awesome aren't they!
Not being paid enough though ;-)
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