Monday, 13 September 2010

Communications revolution?

Interesting questions I have today:
  • does e-mail make me more or less efficient at work?
  • could I communicate without the internet for a week?
  • is there sometimes just too much information out there?
I don't think there's much doubt that ICT has changed the ways many people, certainly in the western world, communicate. But there are certainly drawbacks as well as benefits to using stuff like e-mail.
Here's this weeks task:
  1. think about the question "Should Leiston High School use e-mail as the main way of communicating between staff?" There are some context questions you might want to think about in the E-mail pros and cons presentation on That Blue Square Thing
  2. you might want to take a look at other sources as well - there are some web links on the website
  3. use the E-mail @ LHS writing frame to write a short report to answer the question
  4. e-mail me this, preferably by Friday September 24th
Any problems, please let me know. You should have my e-mail address by now.

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